Gen Z Custom Research

quick turn to deep-dive investigations revealing novel insights about critical questions.

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Gen Z Consumer & Brand Research

What: In-depth studies to understand Gen Z attitudes, behaviors, and preferences related to your brand or industry.

How: custom-designed approaches using our Gen Z approach to research, typically from 6-10 weeks long.

Case studies:

  • Chipotle: Building relevance, loyalty, and engagement with Gen Z through Rewards

  • Hinge: Navigating Gen Z’s dating journey from matching to defining the relationship

  • Spotify: helping Spotify stay ahead and stand out in culture with Gen Z.

  • Hinge: Creating a less lonely world with Hinge for Gen Z through social impact

  • SC30: Helping Stephen Curry’s brand validate and launch a new product

  • Simon Malls: Rebranding and repositioning an online identity for a big future with Gen Z.

Validation & Testing

What: Verify concepts, products, or marketing campaigns with Gen Z audiences to ensure they resonate.

How: quick-turn access to focus groups, DM convos, group chats, Z:Z convos & more, typically from 2-4 weeks.

Case studies:

  • Urban Decay: Integrating Gen Z into the DNA of Urban Decay

  • Johannes Leonardo: Ensuring JL’s creative would catch Gen Z’s fleeting attention

Trends & Forecasting

What: Identify emerging trends and predict future shifts in Gen Z culture to inform your long-term strategies.

How: custom research designed by dcdx combined with our strategic process, typically from 6-10 weeks.

Case studies:

  • Denny’s: How Tech’s Future will Impact Gen Z’s Relationship with Brands

  • Taylor Strategy: Helping Taylor predict future shifts by integrating Gen Z into their DNA.

Co-Branded Public Reports

What: Collaborate on research publications to showcase your commitment to understanding Gen Z and gain visibility.

How: dcdx research with co-branded outputs, leading to agency or brand thought leadership, typically lasting from 4-8 weeks.

Case studies:

  • WildAid: Gen Z and the Climate Crisis: From Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action

  • Abode: Gen Z and the Workforce: The 5 Key Themes Defining Gen Z in 2024

Interested in exploring a custom research partnership?