What Does Allyship Mean for Businesses in 2020

As we’re all learning and doing more about systemic racism, racial violence, and racial injustice in the United States and globally, it is important for companies to prioritize allyship more than ever before. Therefore GenZ Designs has created an easy to follow guide to Allyship for businesses in 2020.

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Andrew Roth
Let Generation Z Have Their Way

Unlike their predecessors, Gen Z wants personalization in not just their whoppers, but with a whopping amount of products. To sell to them through emails, promotions, products, and everything in between to be interactive & individualized to them. They like to know how the product is made, what values the company supports, and that their voice is being heard by the company. The bottom line is that you need to sell to personalize to sell to Generation Z!

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Andrew Roth
Community is King

Back in 1996, Bill Gates proclaimed that “Content is King”. But today, to reach Generation Z, the great companies don’t just focus on creating content. Instead, they focus on forging communities.

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Andrew Roth
Don't Sleep on Generation Z

The target audience for companies is beginning to shift. Generation Z is now taking over the consumer landscape. Who are they? What do they care about? and How does this affect your business? Angelina Liang and Adonis Fryer lay out the answers to all these questions and more.

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Andrew Roth