Black Lives Matter

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GenZ Designs continues talking about #BlackLivesMatter; the conversation should not end once a news cycle ends. This Friday is Juneteenth. Juneteenth is an important day in American history because it recognizes the enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas. Meaning, it finally emancipated the last enslaved people of the confederacy. Although Juneteenth has always been a celebration of African American history and culture, it needs to be more this year. This year, Juneteenth is also a day to recognize and educate ourselves on the Black pain in American history that persists today and the continuation of racial injustice and violence. Right now, Juneteenth is a state holiday and special day of observance in 47 out of 50 states, but activists want Congress to make Juneteenth a national holiday. GenZ Designs stands in solidarity with them, not just on Friday, but every day. However, we recognize that Juneteenth should not only be an excuse to take off work, so we have decided to commemorate Juneteenth by hosting an ally training program on Friday morning. At GenZ Designs, we are dedicated to educating ourselves and becoming better.

We NEED to want better, do better, and be better. The ally training we have designed first explains the realities that people must confront and acknowledge, such as systemic racism, widespread complicity, privilege, and the prevalence of racial microaggressions and gas-lighting in daily life. The training will then dive into what ally ship means and how to be an ally, followed by a list of resources. The resources provided will consist of films, books, podcasts, donation links, information about Black artists and media, lists of Black-owned businesses, and more. After our ally program is over, GenZ Designs will give team members the rest of the day off. We want to allow employees not only to celebrate but to reflect on the information presented in the ally training and hopefully take the time to educate themselves using the resources provided. To all those impacted by what is happening in our nation today, we see you, we hear you, and we stand with you. We believe that Black lives matter.

Andrew Roth