The #1 Most Important Tip for Marketing to Generation Z


We get asked a lot, how do you market to Gen Z?

Let’s be honest here - it is not simple, nor should it be for such a diverse and large audience.

But instead of listing out every single possible way to market and advertise to Generation Z, we’re going to share our number one most important tip for marketing to Gen Z that should always, always be followed.

First off, who even is Generation Z?

Generation Z is the demographic after Millennials, and they are the world’s largest demographic cohort. Born from the late 1990s to the early 2000s, they are the largest, most diverse, most powerful cohort this world has ever seen. This year (2020), GenZ will account for 40% of all consumers in the US, holds $44 billion in buying power and influences over $600 billion in spending. With the oldest members entering the workforce and the youngest still in school, this generation is already making impacts in every industry.

Ok, so what’s the tip?

Yes, we’re getting there! There’s a popular statistic going around that Gen Z has an attention span of 8 seconds. We think it’s even shorter. And in 2 years, it will be even shorter than now. You need every part of your marketing strategy and brand to be perfect in order to not just get their attention but keep it.

So Gen Z is the biggest generation, the most diverse, has the most financial influence, and has the shortest attention span the world has ever seen. And now more than ever, that means one thing and one thing only for you and your brand.

Be authentic.

We work with companies of all different sizes and from all kinds of industries, and to start off every single conversation, we always ask the same question.

Why do you do what you do?

Statistics report that we come across between 4,000 and 10,000 brands every single day. For Gen Z, that’s likely to be more. And being exposed to so many brands, it’s nearly impossible to remember each and every one.

The one thing you can do to stand out and truly make an impact is to be a truly authentic brand. Whether it is expressed publicly or not, every company should know why they do what they do. You may be asking, how will this get me more engagement with a Generation Z audience??

A truly authentic brand will have no trouble with clarity. A truly authentic brand will have no trouble sharing their story. A truly authentic brand will have no trouble attracting the right kinds of people. Authenticity is both a means to an end and an end in itself. Authenticity is the foundation stone for any other marketing tip our company or other companies may give. Authenticity is the only way you will distinguish your company from others.

We see 10,000 brands every single day. The most authentic ones are the ones that get through.

Sometimes it is difficult to assess ourselves on our authenticity, or how we think we compare to other companies when targeting Generation Z. At GenZ Designs, we help your brand engage Generation Z, because we believe in creating a world where brands make people happy.

For a free analysis on how likely your brand is to engage Generation Z, check out our Free GenZ Score report.