Gen Z is the most researched generation ever.

there are more than 70,000 articles published every day on Gen Z.

and Gen Alpha is not far behind.

the challenge is no longer how to just understand Gen Z.

it is how to filter through the noise.

it is how to figure out what matters.

it is how to stay ahead.

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 the dcdx lens

how we see Gen Z clearly to help brands stay ahead

1. Gen Z network

2. Gen Z methods

3. Gen Z people


1. our network of 300,000+ Gen Z’ers

a network of 300,000+ Gen Z'ers through micro-communities: 100s of Gen Z partners on Instagram, with access to thousands of Gen Z'ers in their personal community.

from this approach to network building, we collect authentic, unfiltered, and raw insights collected from diverse peer communities. at scale. 

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 2. our Gen Z methods

from innovative methods like screen time submissions, DM convos, content hunting & group chats to modified traditional methods like Z:Z interviews, surveying, and our proprietary GenZ Score®, they unveil a new lens into Gen Z that helps us see things differently.


 3. our Gen Z-led team

our Gen Z-founded, Gen Z-led research and strategy team is supported by experienced global executives

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