making the future human #6 - june 2024

Since last year, I’ve been observing more and more “Gen Z” or “youth-focused” firms pop up at a rate that now feels like weekly. The biggest change to this ecosystem since when we started dcdx is how much “Gen Z” has become a focal point of the conversation from both media and marketers.

In the past 24 hours, there were 70,000 articles published on “Gen Z”.

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Andrew Roth
making the future human #5 - may 2024

May kicked off with an exciting new partnership and RFP win, one of the most meaningful projects we’ve had the privilege to work on here at dcdx.

Working with a new partner in the dating space is another illuminating sign of the category’s challenges - particularly visible after the mess of the Bumble Fumble earlier in May. But seeing and hearing the way our partners in the space lead with empathy has also been a sign of optimism. While there may be serious headwinds, the category remains ripe for innovation, redefinition, and a human-first vision for the future.

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Andrew Roth
making the future human #4 - april 2024

On April 25th, I celebrated my fourth dcdx anniversary. Which is also the fourth birthday of dcdx, if you put two and two together (although OG’s remember it was called “GenZ Designs”). I always hesitate to name a “day” as the birthday. That day, April 25, happened to be the one I got a letter from the government saying I had a business. But it certainly did not mean I had a business. Nor any clues on what that would mean, for that matter. Not until nearly 6 months later did we actually get paid to do something, and not until over a year later did I start working full-time on dcdx.

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Andrew Roth
making the future human #3 - march 2024

Being a remote company has many positives for us. The access to talent is truly remarkable, and it has allowed us to build a team of driven, passionate young people from California to Colombia to Catalonia and everywhere in between. What remote work at dcdx offers to our team is not just the freedom to live where you want to live, but the freedom to design your life how you want to design it. We’ve had nomadic employees and we’ve had stationary ones, we’ve had people do 9-5s and 3-11s.

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Andrew Roth
making the future human #2 - february 2024

In February, we made it a point to invest more time into these conversations. And it reminded me how important this is to do continuously. We had some wonderful learning calls with our partners, helping to emphasize our strengths and value proposition, and also identifying opportunities for us to improve and grow. We’ve already had the chance to implement some of those growth opportunities in a few of our client relationships, and wow does it feel good to close a feedback loop.

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Andrew Roth
making the future human #1 - january 2024

January kicked off with an intense load of new business convos; the NRN coverage in particular sparked quite a few chats. Press has been a big part of our recent traction, and no sign of a press slowdown for what we’re seeing in January.

One big focus this month has been increasing clarity on our services - a bit of a continuous massage. What’s clear to me is not always clear to others, so articulating - and showing - that through case studies and frameworks is a constant reflective exercise. And much needed!

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