welcome to our futurehuman community 💥

futurehumans are at the heart of dcdx, a Gen Z-founded, Gen Z-run research and strategy firm helping organizations understand and attract Gen Z. At dcdx, we exist to make the future human. Everything we do is about giving our generation and the next a better, more human life.

We’ve been fortunate enough to work with brands like Google, Spotify, Chipotle, Hinge, YouTube, Quizlet and many, many more, and this is only the beginning.

what futurehuman partners do…

-Participate in paid research opportunities such as interviews, focus groups, DM convos, sounding boards, and more!

-Share research polls and questions on your Instagram story and get paid for your results. oh, and share results completely through insta!

what futurehuman partners get… 💸

- $1 for posting the poll + $0.07 per poll response on multiple-choice and $0.32 per response on open-ended.

- $$$ for interviews, focus groups, DM convos, etc. (pay varies!)

- resume booster, recommendation letter, and first access to job opps with dcdx

In total, our partners are on track for nearly $10,000 in payouts this year. Our highest earners take home anywhere from $50-$100 a month, just for participating in research opportunities.