Black Lives Matter.

There is no space for intolerance, hate, prejudice, or violence in this organization, and in this community. As Generation Z, we lead the charge in igniting change and must uphold one another in times of great division and inequity.

At GenZ Designs, our mission is to create a world where every member of Gen Z feels like they truly belong. That mission has no relevance if we live in a world where all people are not treated equally.

What we’re doing: In early June, we held an all-team ally training meeting to understand how we can better support the fight against racial injustice and police brutality. Since then, our team has continued to educate and to learn, but we always must do better. We hold bi-weekly Black Lives Matter team discussions, where we share thoughts on ways we as an organization and as individuals can continue to make change. What we’re doing will never be enough, and we acknowledge that. As Founder and CEO, it is my responsibility as a white male to do better. To lead a team that does more, to make this more than a moment. I vow to make change, and am responsible for doing so.

Our commitment

  1. Make a specific, measurable, and public commitment to improve Black representation in the organization.

  2. Track and publicly report diversity data on an annual basis of survey insights to create accountability for the consultancy and the industry.

  3. Provide anti-racist education and share experiences of Black professionals in advertising to all employees in the onboarding process.

  4. Provide resources for education and continued growth for all employees.

  5. Extend hiring outreach to a more diverse representation of colleges, universities, and art schools

  6. Establish a creative review process to stem the spread of stereotypes in creative work and ensure offensive or culturally insensitive work is never published.

  7. Integrate sustainable philanthropic initiatives into our business model that provide financial support to underrepresented groups and/or related organizations.