Becoming Gen Z’s most desirable brand

custom research | brand strategy


A highly influential brand in the lives of Gen Z came to us to figure out what it takes to be the most Desirable brand in the world for Gen Z.

The Challenge

  1. unpack the meaning of "desirable" for Gen Z

  2. create a usable and moldable framework for Brand Desirability for Gen Z

  3. unearth compelling and actionable insights to form the basis for product, marketing, and partnership briefs and root the brand in a strong understanding of the role and relationship they can have with Gen Z.

The Approach

dcdx conducted an extensive review of existing and internal data, alongside performing a combination of qualitative and quantitative research, featuring 1:1 confessional interviews with Gen Z’esr across a wide range of perspectives, over-indexing on critical demographic segments for the brand, in addition to poll questions launched to our network of 200,000+ Gen Z’ers.

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