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Brands on Twitter vs Instagram | Social Media Marketing

One size does not fit all.

One of the biggest misconceptions when creating a social media persona is that one style fits each different platform.

What you post on Twitter should not be posted on Instagram. Different platforms require different strategies.


We're going to take you show you an example of how one of our favorite Gen Z approved brands goes about their social media strategies for Twitter and Instagram.

Here is an example of a post from April 20th on Instagram:

This is a prime example of how brands should be using Instagram to engage their follower base. It's professional, it's inspirational, it's authentic, and it's a display of their values.

As a comparison, here is what their Twitter looks like:

This is a fun, informal, and playful approach that capitalizes on trends and stays up to date on the styles used on Twitter to engage their audience.

If they post that on Instagram? That would create a tension between follower expectations and experience, disrupting the brand image and decreasing engagement from their audience.

We'd recommend checking on your own platforms and seeing if you can summarize your tone/strategy into a few different words such as informative, playful, inspiring, authentic, etc.

As always, we love your feedback and ways we can make this more helpful to you! Please reach out and let us know more ways we can help you engage Generation Z.